- Install Service Bus 1.0 (https://www.microsoft.com/en-ca/download/details.aspx?id=35374) - Run Service Bus Configuration wizard (https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/jj193021.aspx) > Set it to run as 'GENETEC\sbadmin' > Give 'GENETEC\sbadmin' the 'dbcreator' role to the SQL server selected (note that the role should be removed after the wizard is complete) - Create the required queues > You can use SBExplorer and connect to the ServiceBus you just configured > Add all required queues from SBExplorer - Run Service Bus PowerShell to update the manage user > Stop the Service Bus Farm > Set 'GENETEC\sbadmin' as a manage user (note that it's a good idea to add to the list, so you have also include your user in that list) > Start the Service Bus Farm > These are the commands to perform the tasks above: Stop-SBFarm Set-SBNameSpace -Name ServiceBusDefaultNamespace -ManageUsers GENETEC\!,GENETEC\SBAdmin Start-SBFarm > Note that it may take a few minutes until the SB Farm starts - Now you can start the applications that use the Service Bus